A Message from the President

Greetings TODOS Community,

I have been thinking a lot about leadership lately. I believe most people think that being a good leader is a skill set that is worth possessing. There are countless opportunities to increase our leadership abilities through articles and books written on the subject and courses that provide training for it. And yet, I wonder if we really understand the very thing we seek.

Last month, we held our in-person board retreat where we were fortunate to bring 15 members together to think deeply about the year ahead. This month, we hosted our third Virtual Leadership Institute (VLI) where I was honored to be one of the speakers. In both settings, I wished to embody two leadership traits I believe are important: audacity and humility. First, I  want to be audacious enough to strive for goals that seem nearly impossible. As Denzel Washington puts it, “Do you have the guts to fail?” Second, I am old enough to understand that all things that are significant happen within a collective of humans. Audacious goals that can only be done with others. Yes.


Below are some of the questions I posed to VLI attendees along with my current thinking.  

What is leadership?

Leaders take risks. They say what must be said, even (and especially) when it is unpopular. They inspire others to act, they teach others using their own actions as a guide, and they guide others by providing opportunities to build their own leadership capacity.

Is leadership inherent or can it be learned?

Yes to both. I was raised by parents and among a village who passed a sense of responsibility to me to hold high expectations of self and to serve others. Some of my best skills were honed in my childhood. I don’t believe that there is much I can not learn. 

Is leadership a choice?

I believe it is. Being a leader is hard. The will to persist lies deeply within, almost as if it is outside of the self.

Are all of us free to choose it?

There have been many times in which I thought I did not have a choice. The moment simply called for me to act, and I chose to leap knowing that those closest to me would not let me fail.

Have you seen leadership?

Absolutely. There is an abundance of leaders all around us. The impossible is being done every day by those who choose not to draw attention upon themselves.

**I wish to thank all TODOS board members past and present for your incredible vision and sacrifices that have secured this moment of possibility for us. Thank you for your leadership.**

She who learns must teach.

-African Proverb

What do you think Leadership is?

TODOS Blog on Environmental Issues

The TODOS Blog Committee is pleased to share the second installment of our blog series, ¡Alerta, Wildfires! Our Relationship and Responsibility, about environmental issues is out just in time for Earth Day!

This piece explores the dangerous wildfires that are becoming more common in some areas, and specifically examines our relationship with natural spaces and responsibility for wildfire issues. In addition to providing information for advocacy, the blog also shares two mathematical investigations for educators to use with students.

2024 TODOS Board Election Results

Election voting was online only and held from February 1 through March 1, 2024. Congratulations to the newly elected TODOS Board Members:

Trevor Warburton, Vice President, 2024 - 2027

Heather B Lindfors Navarro, Director, 2024 - 2027

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Antiracist Mathematics Education Is Now Available!

Antiracist Mathematics Education: Stories of Acknowledgment, Action, and Accountability is now available to purchase at Amazon. It includes stories grounded in the 2020 TODOS Position Statement, The Mo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics. This book reflects not only the rich experiences and deep expertise of its authors but also their passion for and commitment to creating antiracist learning environments that empower students to strengthen their mathematical identities. Review the Annotated Table of Contents. Purchase your copy today!

2023 Iris M. Carl Awardees Announcement

The 2023 Iris M. Carl Equity and Leadership Awardee is Harold Asturias. “Harold is also one of the leading experts in the Bay Area and nationally on teaching mathematics to English learners” cited one nominee. Another nominee indicated that “he is a connector who recognizes the needs of a program and the strengths of his ever-expanding group of colleagues and then matches them together to expand on and improve their collective work.” Congratulations, Harold!

The 2023 Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching Awardee Erin Sylves. Erin Sylves received the TODOS Iris M. Carl Equity in Teaching Award. One nominator said, “She uses her role to build the capacity of school leaders and teachers to create the best learning environment possible for all students; breaking down silos and helping schools redesign systems to create equitable learning outcomes.” Another said “She did and continues to do what many find uncomfortable: confront deficit thinking in many contexts and with many educators ….” Congratulations, Erin!


TODOS: Mathematics for ALL is a professional organization that advocates for equity and excellence in mathematics education for ALL students - in particular, Latina/o students. Founded in 2003 and with over 800 members from across the country, TODOS Members know that Equity and Excellence in Mathematics Matter! We promote Social Justice in Mathematics education and provide high-quality resources to help reach our Mission and Goals.

A brief history of TODOS